Friday, April 23, 2010

Blog 22

Svitlana Chaykivska
ID 2950

for the Child and Technology class

I have reviewed the Web site that I believe and
advise for teachers as well as for parents. Up To Ten has been found
in 1997 and is completely independent and still owned and run by
the company's founders. This Web site a major on-line destination
for children and their parents. UpToTen is a free site to the best
basic computer skills. UpToTen is user friendly, has a lot of
educational, cool games,that stimulate the children to get in gear
and truly helps them to understand the various concepts that are
a part of the Program.
UpToTen has a team based in Mauritius ( a small tropical island
in the Indian ocean ), because far from the stresses of city life.
The Mauritius team is in charge of the site itself: creation, artistic
development, technical development, building the UpToTen kids
games, updating UpToTen Parents and client support. UpToTen
in partnership with Rack-space inc., runs a dedicated sever cluster
from San Antonio, TX. Also UpToTen is connected right to the
Internet for the best service. In October, 2003, signs an exclusive
deal for France " to provide content to Wanado ( French ISP with
a 60% national market share)".

I can trust the accuracy of this site. UpToTen - a multicultural
mix of artists, technicians and educators. Web site UpToTen has
a great - appeal to teachers, parents, children. Using computers to
learn is a powerful complimentary to expression, comprehension,
self-esteem, enhance learning. UpToTen activities, games, coloring,
animated cards, songs and much more are appropriate for Pre-K - 5.
I reviewed the Teachers-related stories and the Scott Marrick
from the city of Nashville, TN has noticed:" I have been using UpTo
Ten in my computer since 2000", "Amazing. Thanks,UpToTen!"
Media technology is an integral part of children's lives in twenty-
first century.The world of electronic media, however is changing
dramatically. Television, until recently the dominant media source,
has been joined by cell phones, iPods, vidio games, and e-mail.
School and teachers should integrate research-based programs
that use electronic media to enhance classroom curricula and teach
students how to use electronic media constructively. Teachers
should also receive training in the uses of new technologies and in
how to manage the private use of electronic media in schools to
decrease a distraction, bullying and cheating.
UpToTen are important site of our everyday lives. In order to
be ready for today's world and tomorrow's,an early introduction to
computers is essential for our children. The earlier the better giving
them access to a UpToTen, will give them a significant head start in
their future education.
Children will remember what they learn throgh multimedia more
easily- animations,sounds and interactivity are highly memorable.

1 comment:

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