Friday, April 23, 2010

Blog 21 Lesson Plan

Svitlana Chaykivska
ID 2950 06/07/08
Lesson plan was written for The Child and Technology class

Title : How Plants Grow

Curriculum : Preschool Teaching and Learning Expectation:
Standards of Quality

NETS-S Standards 1,2,3,4. Special Area: Preschool,Level II

Grade level: Preschool

Subject: Science

Time : 2 lessons ( approximately 15-20 minutes each)

Purpose: The children will explore the plants, and will learn how to
plant seeds, what a plant needs to grow by participating in activities
and listening to stories, plaing the games during the lesson.

Description : Before starting do a KWL chart about plants. Gather a
small group of youngsters and ask them " What They know about
plants?" Record on KWL chart under "K" section. Ask children what
they wonder about plants? Record their answers on the KDL chart
under the "W" section. Tell the children they will be learning about
what plants are, what plants are used for, the parts of plants, and
what plants need in order to grow. Show the children a bean plant I
have planted several weeks before. Ask: "Can anyone tell me what
a seed is?" Answer: " A seed is apart of a plant that grow a new
plant". Ask children "If you plant a watermelon seed what will
develop or grow? If you plant a carrot seed what will develop or
grow?" If some children have incorrect answers, lead them towards
the correct answers. Tell them that in order or develop, the plant
needs three things: soil, water, and light. Explain that soil is dirt
with nutrients in it, kind of like vitamins. Student will be given a
signed plastic 8oz cup to scoop soil and drop 2 beans in a hole and
cover the bean with the soil. Remind them that they just gave the
seed, the soil,and what else it needs to develop? Students will use
spray bottle of water to moisten soil. Now we have given the seed
soil and water, it needs one more thing to develop. Have the
children place their seed cup in lighted area. Ask the children to
make predictions as to how many days it will take for their seeds
to sprout or come out of the soil. Record answers on a chart. Keep
track of days on a grid by coloring in one square for each day until
the sprout begins to show. The children will observe the growth
of the seed through the software game, Wubb to remember the
steps of planting.

Activities :

First Lesson

- The children will observe the growth of the seed through the
week, game Garden shop .
- Use the printer to make the picture of parts flower.
- For children who have difficulty: Have another child help
them plant their seeds
(This could be children who have problems with fine motor
- For students who exel: Have them help another child plant
their seeds or play
game: Wubb . All children have chance to play this game.

Second Lesson

- The children will learn the purpose of plant, roots, leaves,
stem - observing actual plant roots,
leaves - compare sizes, stem - carries water to the flower.
- Tell the children, that today they will learn about plant
roots. Show them the "root" picture.
Explain to the children that the roots grow underground.
Ask them if they can point to the
roots on the picture, also some roots can be eaten, and
some cannot. Explain to them that
the roots hold the plant in place and take food and water to
the plant. Tell to the children the
roots take the water and nutrients from the soil and then it
goes into the stem. From the stem
it goes into the leaves and petals.
- Divide the class in two small groups.Group one - will compare
size of leaves ( Rose, Iris, Gladiolus) by using string, stripes
of paper to measure leaves.
Group two - will talk about the purpose of leaves, brings in light
and nutrients to plants, compare
leaves to roots for similarities and differences ( both take in water
and nutrients, roots support
plants, leaves absorb light).
- The children will use one computer per group (3-4) and group
one play flower pattern game
Plant Flowers Daffodil and Clifford . The other group - will send
an e-mail greeting card website,
then the group will change the place.

Tool and Resources :

Children will use the software games - " Wubb "," Plant flowers
with Daffodil and Clifford",
" Garden shop ",also using printer for the worksheet and e-mail
greeting card.

Software: ( Plants Theme, Plants
Growth Booklet)
Webquest: to/learn/with


The children will be able to answer questions about what a seed is and
what it needs to grow,conditions seeds need to grow ( light,soil,water ).
Teacher will use a check sheet to determine if the child can identify a
root and what purpose of a root is. Teacher will evaluate child's know-
ledge of the purpose of leaves and their ability to compare lengths using
the check list. As children are walking have them to symbolize a seed.
As you water them they begin to grow until their leaves or flowers
( their arms) bloom.

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