Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blog #10 & 11

# 10

The first steps to write for a specific topic is :

1. Pre-writing: researching and thinking about content, purpose of document.

2. Drafting: planning and getting pre-writing into text format

3. Revisiting and Editing: reviewing, getting opinions, clarifying, attending to readability

4. Proofreading: checking for correctness and conformity to discourse conventions.

# 11

Freewriting is a useful tool for procrastinators that kind I think I'm. The
idea is to begin, write on the paper, then write whatever comes to mind next. I
keep following the thoughts,then stop to check and make some correction, sometime
its like you off the track, but I'm not stoppable. From the fresh minds explo-
ratory writing the next stage is to seek out and a focus of theme in the writing.
" It is the moment when what was chaos is now seen as having a center of gravity.
There is a shape where a moment ago there was none" (p.35).Elbow cations that
centers of gravity,which located by effort to sum-up what have been written, are
difficult to describe and require practice to locate. But in freewriting, the
idea is to "let the early ones be terrible." (p.36)The point is, even if I have
to exaggerate. Judiciousness is not the quality I want to govern this part of
literacy narrative writing.

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