Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog 14Process Writing Final

Writing a paper on the writing process is pretty hard. The writing
process is different from one person to another. I came across
questions like "What exactly is the writing process?" and "Must you
follow one persons writing process if yours is different?" This is where
I came across the answer to my questions, write however I wish to
write. If one person likes free write first and another person likes to
write a draft first, let them do how they please.Writing process is a
logical sequence of steps. I'm trying to follow a pattern in getting
dressed each day, in baking a cake or in changing a flat tire. In the
same way, my writing should be the product of a logical process.
My success is to gather focus, order, drafts and revises. These are
the basic steps:prewriting, writing and rewriting.Why is a writing
process important? It can help me to organize thoughts, avoid
frustration, and procrastination and use my time productively.
...Nobody can learn a second language in a short time, it took me
many years of patience and believing in myself. Learning English
is a long and complicated process. It does not happen overnight.
Family responsibilities and children, I didn't give me the I needed.
However, making a schedule about how many hours I had available
to study the language was a good first step. Also being organized
and clear about what I want to learn first, writing, reading, listening
or speech.I kept in mind that studying vocabulary, and systematically
made the path easier. The writing process is something that I figured
out myself as I went through school.I personally think that is when
I went to school, tutoring, college, for so many years. Through the
years I found that some teachers forced you to write certain ways.
Before college, I would write assuming that the only reader,or
audience, would be my teacher. English writing would help me realize
the many steps that are involved in the writing process from free
writing, like my first draft, to making a final copy. In order to make
a good paper I need to organize my ideas. Also, realize what needs
to be in the essay and what doesn't.
I remember how I started and struggled in writing my first letters
then words first in native Ukrainian language, then English and
Russian. My English class and I have read a lot of books including
"Tom Sowyer"by Mark Twain, "Around the World in 80 days"
by Jules Verne. In the city I lived there was a nice library and
every week on Thursday, together with our teacher Mrs Nicole
the whole class (36 students) walked to the library. The smell of
the books, quiet, and the cozy clay tiles covered fireplace add more
curiosity to the children. I have improved my writing but my
organization has been my problem, and even though I have
made progress. I still believe I have not fully succeeded, in
this area but I'm going to improve in it. The process of using
multiple drafts has improved me to over look on my mistakes.
After I wrote my paragraphs I went back and forth and read
two or three times, and asked my daughter to revise my paper.
The most valuable lesson I have learned about the writing process is
mostly editing and revising drafts to lead to a perfect final paper.
To be able to write on a college level, I'm willing to let other
people revise my paper;in this way I can improve myself as
a writer. My favorite assignment was the Literacy Narrative
writing because it was something I have never done before.
I found that describing the scene in different circumstances
was difficult, because I have to present a series of stories. I
believe that I have accomplished this task. Using writing
process techniques has made a change in my writing. I can
say something I previously said and transfer it to my writing.
Like before I didn't use much techniques and how I do under-
stand and put more effort to make a meaning.
In Elbow's writing, he says, " The most effective way I know
to improve your writing is to do free writing exercises regularly"
(62). Because I am not one to write in a journal everyday, I
can't personally agree or disagree with this comment. I do believe
that the more you write the better you become. I do see that
people who write often also do better in class. Elbow also says,
"The main thing is that a free writing must never be evaluated
in any way; in fact there must be no discussion at all"(63).
I don't agree with him. The only way for someone to improve
writing is if a peer reads over it and explains what could be done
to improve it. I think in synthetic plan, what else could be done
to prove English writing? When we use math formulas in algebra
we substitute numbers in order as the formula say, the same
techniques it's possible in English language. What the key that
helped me to succeed in English watching TV , movies, shows,
news. It was very helpful for English comprehension, listening.
Practice speaking English in the church, to the friends, shopping and
what interesting I wasn't afraid at all. The more I speak in English,
the easier I learned it.Some people do not like to speak in public
because they are fearful about their accent. The fear of talking
with another person is the principalbarrier to learning anything.
After I finished read my book a lot new words I put in my notebook,
then memorized them by writing up to ten times each word,
made sentences with them. Soon it pup-up when I meet these
words. Then I wrote my first poems to my mother, friends and
children dedicated to their Birthdays, New Year, Mothers day
we celebrated. I teach preschool children, they are Russian
heritage and parents interested to teach them in both languages,
cultures, traditions skills. When I read stories sometime in Russian
simultaneously interpretation in English or the opposite way, yes
it is not easy. However it is enjoyable to
see how the children absorb all the information like a sponges.
I see myself more as a writer for the children then for adults.
Why? The reason is that I more familiar with children psychology,
interests, core curriculum for certain group of age, how they learn
and what they like to listen. The adult publication it's more
complicated because it hurt sometime our feelings and I do
accept criticism the only if this explicit right and professionally.
American culture and style is different from European and I do
not have enough courage to do so. If I write something it would
be children story, but not that is not in style or old fashion.
" Writers must learn to be their own worst enemy" ( Murray 4).
He is trying to say that when it comes to editing you must be
able to accept criticism from others and make every effort.
Revisiting and rewriting a paper is a common step in the
writing process.I wasted a lot of paper after I revised and rewrit-
ten an essay.I think Shakespeare didn't write "Romeo and
Juliet" in one shot. Writing is up to the writer, I have to be in
good mood and some topic to write about it. If I decide to follow
the formal writing process, then that's my choice.
Nothing should be forced when it comes to writing. The writing
process is something that changes from person to person.
Learning a new language is generally enjoyable but at the same
time it requires a lot effort, time and study. No doubt it would
seem rather hard at the beginning, to write ten times each word
in my notebook, I saved three of them, but when practice it for
period of time I find it more natural and easy to use the language.
In the class when I'm confused, what do I have to write about
and how, I go back to the blog and read my peers blogs it gives
me an idea what it should be. Last but not least, one should take
an optimistic attitude toward English learning, in most cases, the
only quality is just some patience. Patience and joy of the every
progress and the happiness that learning English has brought to me.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Writing Process Draft

Writing a paper on the writing process is pretty hard. The writing process

is different from one person to another. I came across questions like "What

exactly is the writing process?" and "Must you follow one persons writing

process if yours is different?" This is where I came across the answer to my

questions, write however I wish to write. If one person likes free write first

and another person likes to write a draft first, let them do how they please.

The writing process is something that I figure out myself as I went through

school.I personally think that is when I went to school, tutoring, college,

for so many years. Through the years I found that some teachers forced you to

write certain ways. Before college, I would write assuming that the only

reader,or audience, would be my teacher. English writing would help me realize

the many steps that are involved in the writing process from free writing, like

my first draft, to making a final copy. In order to make a good paper I need to

organize my ideas. Also, realize what needs to be in the essay and what doesn't.

I have improved my writing but my organization has been my problem, and

even though I have made progress. I still believe I have not fully succeeded, in

this area but I'm going to improve in it. The process of using multiple drafts

has improved me to over look on my mistakes. After I wrote my paragraphs I went

back and forth and read two or three times, and asked my daughter to revise my

paper. The most valuable lesson I have learned about the writing process is

mostly editing and revising drafts to lead to a perfect final paper. To be able

to write on a college level, I'm going to let other people revise my paper.

Then I can improve myself as a writer. Sure enough, help from others for me to be

able to succeed in English 2020. My favorite assignment was the Literacy

Narrative writing because it was something I have never done before. I found

that describing the scene in different circumstances was difficult, because I

have to present a series of stories. I believe that I have accomplished this

task. Using writing process techniques has made a change in my writing

because I can say something I said before and transfer it to my writing. Like

before I didn't use much techniques and how I do understand and put more effort

to make a meaning.

In Elbow's writing, he says, " The most effective way I know to improve

your writing is to do free writing exercises regularly" (62). Because I am

not one to write in a journal everyday, I can't personally agree or disagree with

this comment. I do believe that the more you write the better you

become. I do see that people who write often also do better in class.

Elbow also says, "The main thing is that a freewriting must never be

evaluated in any way; in fact there must be no discussion at

all"(63). I don't agree with him. The only way for someone to improve writing is

if a peer reads over it and explains what could be done to improve


Revisiting and rewriting a paper is a common step in the writing process.

I wasted a lot of paper after I revised and rewritten an essay. I

think Shakespeare didn't write "Romeo & Juliet" in one shot.

Writing is up to the writer, I have to have good mood and some topic to write

about it. If I decide to follow the formal writing process,

then that's my choice. Nothing should be forced when it comes to

writing. The writing processes is something that changes from person to

person. " Writers must learn to be their own worst enemy" (Murray

4). He is trying to say that when it comes to editing you must be able to accept

criticism from others and be suspicious of it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blog #13

The Stages of Literacy Technologies
Technological innovations move through a series of individualized/constant stages

1. small group "elites"/ small group "geeks"

2. adapted to a wider audience's needs and interests

3. costs go down

4. innovations that add to the fundamentally change old technology

5. fear of trusting

6. happens every time

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blog # 12

After reading my literacy narrative comments, by Dr. Chandler, there were many good suggestions and helpful. I read my essay, it was like a picture in my mind, from the past time, and I still remember until today.
Then I just simply added two paragraphs in the beginning and the third paragraph in the end. When it was finished I reread it and I saw the differences in my essay, how things relate to one another and how they look like without it and also my growth in the writing.
My focus was about today, it seems like the autobiography of my life. I organized everything in the order, like I made a braid and tied a bow in the end so that make sense to me who I was before and who I am today.

Blog #10 & 11

# 10

The first steps to write for a specific topic is :

1. Pre-writing: researching and thinking about content, purpose of document.

2. Drafting: planning and getting pre-writing into text format

3. Revisiting and Editing: reviewing, getting opinions, clarifying, attending to readability

4. Proofreading: checking for correctness and conformity to discourse conventions.

# 11

Freewriting is a useful tool for procrastinators that kind I think I'm. The
idea is to begin, write on the paper, then write whatever comes to mind next. I
keep following the thoughts,then stop to check and make some correction, sometime
its like you off the track, but I'm not stoppable. From the fresh minds explo-
ratory writing the next stage is to seek out and a focus of theme in the writing.
" It is the moment when what was chaos is now seen as having a center of gravity.
There is a shape where a moment ago there was none" (p.35).Elbow cations that
centers of gravity,which located by effort to sum-up what have been written, are
difficult to describe and require practice to locate. But in freewriting, the
idea is to "let the early ones be terrible." (p.36)The point is, even if I have
to exaggerate. Judiciousness is not the quality I want to govern this part of
literacy narrative writing.