Monday, February 22, 2010

Blog #9

Writing without teachers by Peter Elbow it's approach and practice program for learning how to write.This approach turns to the focus towards encouraging ways of developing knowledge, inspiration through free writing,drafts and notes. Elbov's program influence his techniques have had on writers. This valuable guide will benefit anyone, even who hasn't talent of writing.
Peter Elbow book is very helpful for people who got stuck in their writing for essays, poems etc.
His assumption about writing: 1) to help actually generate words; 2) to help improve ability to make own judgment.
Elbow does not try to define or even describe good and bad writing but rather tries to find ways to get us to better understand the good and bad writing we see all around us,to become more attention to the problems to be found in our own writing. The first and most basic step to improved writing is free writing. Free writing means simply that for fifteen minutes to write without stopping. The idea is not to produce a polished, or even"good" piece of writing, but to simply get in the habit of writing without censoring and editing. In free writing, "never stop to look back,to cross something out,to wonder how to spell something, to wonder what word or thought to use, or to think about what you are doing." The only rule to follow in free writing is to simply not stop writing.

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