Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog #4

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog #4

1. Possibilities and relationships with past and present

2.How writing skills influenced my life

3Contemplation about adventure in future

4.Writing is the main goal to success

Continued the story after 2/4.

Upstairs was a disaster. I found box after box of old toys and pictures but nothing I could use, until I went in the closet. There I found all sorts of pictures and little kid projects. Then I came across a smaller box that was filled with things they saved that I did. Feeling a little nostalgic I browsed through my old papers. It wasn't until I got to this letter that I remembered why I was upstairs in the first place.
Dear Dad,

Hey Dad did you notice something different? I am writing this letter all by myself. That's right no, more letters from me in Mom's handwriting. In fact, that is why it's been so long since I wrote you I wanted to surprise you with a super good letter. Yeah I have been really busy learning to read and write.What an adventure we were going to learn I was so excited.
Man, it was hard work, you guys make it look so easy, just stare at a page for a minute and boom you're done. The only time Mom has a confused face is when she opens the bills, that reading must be really hard, I never want to have to read a bill. I had a trouble because there is like a billion words, and those silent K's and short a's all those rules! Lots of time I know what a word means but seeing it is much different then hearing it, so Mom helped me every time I didn't know a word she told me to circle it, and we looked it up in the dictionary. A dictionary is the best thing ever, it has every word ever and it has pronunciations.That really helps with the words that don't sound how their spelled. By that you can tell I am not a very good speller, I mean why should it matter it matter if you get it and I get it what's the harm in dropping a few silent letters?I finally got that reading thing down,I read every Bernstein Bear book out there. Then I felt like I was back where I started when she introduced writing. I was very eager to write so I could write so I could write you letters and you know how I love to tell stories, Mom always says I talk a mile a a minute; I couldn't wait to write a mile a minute. First Mrs. Tamara made us copy words that was a piece of cake, i know how to write all 26 letters putting them together was easy, of course my handwriting is not as neat as yours but she said "practice makes perfect".
As soon we got done with writing words I thought that writing would be just like talking but on the paper. Oh boy, I was wrong,turns out there is sentence structure and parts to sentences! At first it was confusing I just didn't understand verbs. If I can eat food isn't food a verb because you can eat it? But its not it's the subject. I learned so much I through my head would explode because my brain was so big, mom says it never happens but I don't believe her. In fact, I measured and my head got a half inch bigger. I'll keep measuring. Gotta go cant wait til you come home.

Love Svitlana

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