Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blog #5

Literacy draft.
This semester I feel I have to work very hard as a teacher, a mother and

especially as a writer. My first essay I'm going to write about "What's new about new

literacy narratives?" Truthfully I have never had good experiences with writing, so I

think it will be very hard to relate to the topic, but I will do my best to get an

average grade.

I can't contemplate my career as a teacher without reflecting on my years in

school and experiences in my life. After my family came to the United States, I made

a resolution for myself to continuing studying English language, American history,

culture. Adjustment to our new home was difficult at first, even at this time I was

able to talk, write and read a portion of it. It's like starting your life all over again, and

continue a new life based on your experiences and successes. Dear reader I want

to tell you one story that had happend to me. This was a good lesson and I remember

until this day.

It was the first day of winter break, senior year, I was so excited for the free-

dom. No school for almost two weeks. However the beginning of winter break

means report cards. My grades were average except for one, English, which I did

horribly. I don't know what happened. The class is just too hard so I received my

first unacceptable F ( "2"- the lowest grade, at this time, in the school system ).

I remember sitting in the living room waiting for the mail to arrive. As soon as

I heard the mailbox close I was at the door. The mail man didn't even make it down

the stairs before I saw it. My report card was right on top.

I had planned to take the report card and put it in my room until the end of the

vacation, but mom found every reason imaginable to look through my room. I could

never hide anything in there. So I had to tell them but how? Thinking about mom in

my room gave me an idea. If I could go up in the attic and find one of their old re-

port cards with a bad grade on it I could avoid the long speech about it ruining my


Upstairs was a disaster. I found box after box of old toys and pictures but

nothing I could use, until I went in the closet. There I found all sorts of pictures and

little kid projects. Then I came across a smaller box that was filled with things they

saved that I did. Feeling a little nostalgic I browsed through my old papers. It wasn't

until I got to this letter that I remembered why I was upstairs in the first place.

It was in 4th grade when I started learning English language (til my senior year)

The class that I attended had thirty students,divided into two groups, helf of the

students took German and the other helf took English.I took part that studied English.

Mrs.Tamara a teacher of the English class was extra exceptional teacher with all rules

and expectations. I appreciate for all hard work of writing, reading comprehension

that she accomplished with us. At this moment I couldn't immagine that, how much

reading and writing was important to me. I couldn't realize myself going to the

United States where my grandparents lived.

Dear Dad,

Hey Dad did you notice something different? I am writing this letter

all by myself. That's right no, more letters from me in Mom's handwriting. In fact,

that is why it's been so long since I wrote you I wanted to surprise you with a

super good letter. Yeah I have been really busy learning to read and write. What

an adventure that was! I always see you and Mom reading, so when Mrs. Tamara

told us that we were going to learn I was so excited.

Man, it was hard work, you guys make it look so easy, just stare at a page

for a minute and boom you're done. The only time Mom has a confused face is

when she opens the bills, that reading must be really hard, I never want to have

to read a bill. I had a trouble because there is like a billion words, and those silent

K's and short a's all those rules! Lots of time I know what a word means but seeing

it is much different then hearing it, so Mom helped me every time I didn't know a

word she told me to circle it, and we looked it up in the dictionary. A dictionary

is the best thing ever, it has every word ever and it has pronunciations. That really

helps with the words that don't sound how their spelled. By that you can tell I am

not a very good speller, I mean why should it matter if you get it and I get it

what's the harm in dropping a few silent letters?

I finally got that reading thing down, I read every Bernstein Bear book out

there. Then I felt like I was back where I started when she introduced writing. I

was very eager to write so I could write you letters and you know how I love

to tell stories, Mom always says I talk a mile a minute; I couldn't wait to write a

mile a minute. First Mrs. Tamara made us copy words that was a piece of cake, I

know how to write all 26 letters putting them together was easy, of course my

handwriting is not as neat as yours but she said "practice makes perfect."

As soon we got done with writing words I thought that writing would be

just like talking but on the paper. Oh boy, I was wrong, turns out there is sentence

structure and parts to sentences! At first it was confusing I just didn't understand

verbs. If I can eat food isn't food a verb because you can eat it? But its not it's the

subject. I learned so much I thought my head would explode because my brain

was so big, mom says it never happens but I don't believe her.In fact, I measured

and my head got a half inch bigger.I'll keep measuring. Gotta go cant wait til you

come home.

Love Svitlana

After I read this letter I picked everything up and gave up on my mission to

expose my parents' bad report cards. I changed my mind because reading that old

letter reminded me what was really important. I realized how hard all those things

seemed so many years ago. I couldn't write a single sentence and now I had comp-

leted essay for the English class. I just have to want to learn as much as I did in the


As a teacher today I'm experiencing what I teach my little ones is still relevant

and if the way I'm teaching it is engaging. My focus is to bringing out the true learner

in my students. Because within their lifetimes, their ability to learn will surpass their

need to know. I'm the most fortunate of all,who I am today. Each day, parents entrust

me with their greatest gift, their children. As a teacher, I have a past that is rich in me-

mory; a present that is rewarding, adventurous fun and challenging because I spend

my days with the future.

So I decided to tell my parents the truth with no catches, or excuses. If I told

Mom and Dad I am going to do better in a sincere apology they will believe me and

not punish me for my entire winter break.

It was inevitable my parents were going to get angry; however in the end I felt

better because I was no longer frustrated with my English class or school in any

matter. Since I knew reading and writing were mandatory abilities, I was determined

to master those skills. Now I look at each challenge and consider the accomplishment

as a mandatory part of my future.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blog #9

Writing without teachers by Peter Elbow it's approach and practice program for learning how to write.This approach turns to the focus towards encouraging ways of developing knowledge, inspiration through free writing,drafts and notes. Elbov's program influence his techniques have had on writers. This valuable guide will benefit anyone, even who hasn't talent of writing.
Peter Elbow book is very helpful for people who got stuck in their writing for essays, poems etc.
His assumption about writing: 1) to help actually generate words; 2) to help improve ability to make own judgment.
Elbow does not try to define or even describe good and bad writing but rather tries to find ways to get us to better understand the good and bad writing we see all around us,to become more attention to the problems to be found in our own writing. The first and most basic step to improved writing is free writing. Free writing means simply that for fifteen minutes to write without stopping. The idea is not to produce a polished, or even"good" piece of writing, but to simply get in the habit of writing without censoring and editing. In free writing, "never stop to look back,to cross something out,to wonder how to spell something, to wonder what word or thought to use, or to think about what you are doing." The only rule to follow in free writing is to simply not stop writing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blog # 8

Literacy narrative final draft

This semester I feel I have to work very hard as a teacher,
a mother and especially as a writer. My first essay I'm going to
write about "What's new about literacy narratives?" Truthfully
I have never had good experiences with writing, so I think it will
be very hard to relate to the topic, but I will do my best to get an
average grade.
I can't contemplate my career as a teacher without reflecting
on my years in school and experiences in my life. After my family
came to the United States, I made a resolution for myself to
continue studying the English language, American history and
culture. Adjustment to our new home was difficult at first, even
at this time I was able to talk, write and read only a little.
It's like starting your life all over again, and continue a new life
based on your experiences and successes. Dear reader, I want to
tell you one story that had happened to me. This was a good
lesson and I remember until this day.
It was the first day of winter break, senior year, I was so excited
for the freedom. There would be no school for almost two weeks.
However the beginning of winter break means report cards. My
grades were average except for one, English, which I did horribly.
I don't know what happened. The class is just too hard so I received
my first unacceptable F ( "2"- the lowest grade, at this time, in the
school system ).
I remember sitting in the living room waiting for the mail to arrive.
As soon as I heard the mailbox close I was at the door. The mailman
didn't even make it down the stairs before I saw it. My report card
was right on top. I had planned to take the report card and put it in
my room until the end of the vacation, but mom found every reason
imaginable to look through my room. I could never hide anything in
there. So I had to tell them but how? Thinking about mom in my room
gave me an idea. If I could go up in the attic and find one of their old
report cards with a bad grade on it I could avoid the long speech about
it ruining my future.
Upstairs was a disaster. I found box after box of old toys and
pictures but nothing I could use, until I went in the closet. There
I found all sorts of pictures and little kid projects. Then I came across
a smaller box that was filled with things of mix that my parents saved.
Feeling a little nostalgic I browsed through my old papers. It wasn't
until I got to this letter that I remembered why I was upstairs in the
first place.
It was in 4th grade when I started learning the English language
(I stopped my senior year). The class that I attended had thirty
students,divided into two groups.Half of the students took German
and the other half took English.I was in the part that studied English.
Mrs.Tamara, a teacher of the English class was extra exceptional
with all her rules and expectations. I appreciate all of her hard work
teaching, writing and reading comprehension to us. At this moment
I couldn't imagine how much reading and writing was important to
me. I couldn't picture myself going to the United States where my
grandparents lived.

Dear Dad,

Hey Dad did you notice something different? I am writing this
letter all by myself. That's right no, more letters from me in Mom's
handwriting. In fact, that is why it's been so long since I wrote you I
wanted to surprise you with a super good letter. Yeah I have been
really busy learning to read and write. What an adventure that was!
I always see you and Mom reading, so when Mrs. Tamara told us
that we were going to learn I was so excited.
Man, it was hard work, you guys make it look so easy, just stare
at a page for a minute and boom you're done. The only time Mom
has a confused face is when she opens the bills, that reading must be
really hard, I never want to have to read a bill. I had a trouble be-
cause there is like a billion words, and those silent K's and short a's
all those rules! Lots of time I know what a word means but seeing
it is much different then hearing it, so Mom helped me every time
I didn't know a word she told me to circle it, and we looked it up in
the dictionary. A dictionary is the best thing ever, it has every word
ever and it has pronunciations. That really helps with the words
that don't sound how their spelled. By that you can tell I am
not a very good speller, I mean why should it matter if you get it
and I get it what's the harm in dropping a few silent letters?
I finally got that reading thing down, I read every Bernstein Bear
book out there. Then I felt like I was back where I started when she
introduced writing. I was very eager to write so I could write you
letters and you know how I love to tell stories, Mom always says I
talk a mile a minute; I couldn't wait to write a mile a minute. First
Mrs. Tamara made us copy words that was a piece of cake, I know
how to write all 26 letters putting them together was easy, of
course my handwriting is not as neat as yours but she said "practice
makes perfect."
As soon we got done with writing words I thought that writing
would be just like talking but on the paper. Oh boy, I was wrong,
turns out there is sentence structure and parts to sentences!
At first it was confusing I just didn't understand verbs. If I can
eat food isn't food a verb because you can eat it? But its not it's the
subject. I learned so much I thought my head would explode
because my brain was so big, mom says it never happens but
I don't believe her.In fact, I measured and my head got a half
inch bigger.I'll keep measuring. Gotta go cant wait til you come
Love Svitlana

After I read this letter I picked everything up and gave up
on my mission to expose my parents' bad report cards. I changed
my mind because reading that old letter reminded me of what
was really important. I realized how hard all those things seemed
so many years ago. I couldn't write a single sentence and now
I had complete an essay for the English class. I just have to want
to learn as much as I did in the past.
As a teacher today I'm learning that what I teach my little
ones is still relevant if the way I'm teaching it is engaging. My
focus is to bring out the true learner in my students. Because
within their lifetimes, their ability to learn will surpass their
need to know. I'm the most fortunate of all,who I am today.
Each day, parents entrust me with their greatest gift; their
children. As a teacher, I have a past that is rich in memory;
a present that is rewarding, adventurous fun and challenging
because I spend my days with the future.
So I decided to tell my parents the truth with no catches,
or excuses. If I told Mom and Dad I am going to do better in
a sincere apology they will believe me and not punish me for
my entire winter break.
It was inevitable my parents were going to get angry;
however in the end I felt better because I was no longer
frustrated with my English class or school in any matter.
Since I knew reading and writing were mandatory abilities,I
was determined to master those skills. Now I look at each
challenge and consider the accomplishment as a mandatory
part of my future.

Blog #6

This semester I feel I have to work very hard as a teacher, a mother and

especially as a writer. My first essay I'm going to write about "What's new about new

literacy narratives?" Truthfully I have never had good experiences with writing, so I

think it will be very hard to relate to the topic, but I will do my best to get an

average grade.

It was the first day of winter break, senior year, I was so excited for the free-

dom. No school for almost two weeks. However the beginning of winter break

means report cards. My grades were average except for one, English, which I did

horribly. I don't know what happened. The class is just too hard so I received my

first unacceptable F ( "2"- the lowest grade, at this time, in the school system ).

I remember sitting in the living room waiting for the mail to arrive. As soon as

I heard the mailbox close I was at the door. The mail man didn't even make it down

the stairs before I saw it. My report card was right on top.

I had planned to take the report card and put it in my room until the end of the

vacation, but mom found every reason imaginable to look through my room. I could

never hide anything in there. So I had to tell them but how? Thinking about mom in

my room gave me an idea. If I could go up in the attic and find one of their old re-

ports cards with a bad grade on it I could avoid the long speech about it ruining my


Upstairs was a disaster. I found box after box of old toys and pictures but

nothing I could use, until I went in the closet. There I found all sorts of pictures and

little kid projects. Then I came across a smaller box that was filled with things they

saved that I did. Feeling a little nostalgic I browsed through my old papers. It wasn't

until I got to this letter that I remembered why I was upstairs in the first place.

Dear Dad,

Hey Dad did you notice something different? I am writing this letter

all by myself. That's right no, more letters from me in Mom's handwriting. In fact,

that is why it's been so long since I wrote you I wanted to surprise you with a

super good letter. Yeah I have been really busy learning to read and write. What

an adventure that was! I always see you and Mom reading, so when Mrs. Tamara

told us that we were going to learn I was so excited.

Man, it was hard work, you guys make it look so easy, just stare at a page

for a minute and boom you're done. The only time Mom has a confused face is

when she opens the bills, that reading must be really hard, I never want to have

to read a bill. I had a trouble because there is like a billion words, and those silent

K's and short a's all those rules! Lots of time I know what a word means but seeing

it is much different then hearing it, so Mom helped me every time I didn't know a

word she told me to circle it, and we looked it up in the dictionary. A dictionary

is the best thing ever, it has every word ever and it has pronunciations. That really

helps with the words that don't sound how their spelled. By that you can tell I am

not a very good speller, I mean why should it matter if you get it and I get it

what's the harm in dropping a few silent letters?

I finally got that reading thing down, I read every Bernstein Bear book out

there. Then I felt like I was back where I started when she introduced writing. I

was very eager to write so I could write you letters and you know how I love

to tell stories, Mom always says I talk a mile a minute; I couldn't wait to write a

mile a minute. First Mrs. Tamara made us copy words that was a piece of cake, I

know how to write all 26 letters putting them together was easy, of course my

handwriting is not as neat as yours but she said "practice makes perfect."

As soon we got done with writing words I thought that writing would be

just like talking but on the paper. Oh boy, I was wrong, turns out there is sentence

structure and parts to sentences! At first it was confusing I just didn't understand

verbs. If I can eat food isn't food a verb because you can eat it? But its not it's the

subject. I learned so much I thought my head would explode because my brain

was so big, mom says it never happens but I don't believe her.In fact, I measured

and my head got a half inch bigger.I'll keep measuring. Gotta go cant wait til you

come home.

Love Svitlana

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog #7

1) What did I learned about writing from the reading that is a human procrastinating and biologically set up, and speech compliment.
2) Writing is an expression of ourselves, the way we think, we talk and write about it, that
carries the function of intellectual inquiry. Writing developing social skills, language,math, etc. The cognitive skills involved in writing are intimately tied up with the type of text. Non literate or literate modes of thought are basically distinguished by differential experience with the production and consumption of essay text.

Blog #4

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog #4

1. Possibilities and relationships with past and present

2.How writing skills influenced my life

3Contemplation about adventure in future

4.Writing is the main goal to success

Continued the story after 2/4.

Upstairs was a disaster. I found box after box of old toys and pictures but nothing I could use, until I went in the closet. There I found all sorts of pictures and little kid projects. Then I came across a smaller box that was filled with things they saved that I did. Feeling a little nostalgic I browsed through my old papers. It wasn't until I got to this letter that I remembered why I was upstairs in the first place.
Dear Dad,

Hey Dad did you notice something different? I am writing this letter all by myself. That's right no, more letters from me in Mom's handwriting. In fact, that is why it's been so long since I wrote you I wanted to surprise you with a super good letter. Yeah I have been really busy learning to read and write.What an adventure we were going to learn I was so excited.
Man, it was hard work, you guys make it look so easy, just stare at a page for a minute and boom you're done. The only time Mom has a confused face is when she opens the bills, that reading must be really hard, I never want to have to read a bill. I had a trouble because there is like a billion words, and those silent K's and short a's all those rules! Lots of time I know what a word means but seeing it is much different then hearing it, so Mom helped me every time I didn't know a word she told me to circle it, and we looked it up in the dictionary. A dictionary is the best thing ever, it has every word ever and it has pronunciations.That really helps with the words that don't sound how their spelled. By that you can tell I am not a very good speller, I mean why should it matter it matter if you get it and I get it what's the harm in dropping a few silent letters?I finally got that reading thing down,I read every Bernstein Bear book out there. Then I felt like I was back where I started when she introduced writing. I was very eager to write so I could write so I could write you letters and you know how I love to tell stories, Mom always says I talk a mile a a minute; I couldn't wait to write a mile a minute. First Mrs. Tamara made us copy words that was a piece of cake, i know how to write all 26 letters putting them together was easy, of course my handwriting is not as neat as yours but she said "practice makes perfect".
As soon we got done with writing words I thought that writing would be just like talking but on the paper. Oh boy, I was wrong,turns out there is sentence structure and parts to sentences! At first it was confusing I just didn't understand verbs. If I can eat food isn't food a verb because you can eat it? But its not it's the subject. I learned so much I through my head would explode because my brain was so big, mom says it never happens but I don't believe her. In fact, I measured and my head got a half inch bigger. I'll keep measuring. Gotta go cant wait til you come home.

Love Svitlana

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog #3

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog 3

What is important to keep in mind is Ong's argument here. At minimum, I think Ong is pretty clearly- and in compelling ways- suggesting that oral and literate cultures are quite radically different from each other. And while I don't think he would make this claim directly, I think Ong is implying that literate cultures are "better". After all, it is through literacy that we get things like "study", a clearer sense of history, complex civic and arrangements, etc.
Ong talks about issue in great detail in "part II" of this essay, which begins on page 21. Essentially, Ong says that Plato's complaint about the technology of writing is very much modern
complaint, how spellcheckers are making us worse spellers,how calculators make us worse at math,how video games and television make it so kids don't read,etc.
So what Ong is saying is this:when we talk about how everything is going worse because of a technology ( word processing, internet ...),that's exactly like Socrates saying way back when that
everything is going to hell because of literacy. And, what Ong says,nothing could possibly be further from the case.


The influence of written language is one of the first and important facts that comes while reading. When we read we get some points, making conclusions, rethinking over and over about characters and their acts, answering relevant questions. We learn how to write and express ourselves.
From biological-linguistic perspectives we learn the way people communicate, write and about their cultures. From social linguistic perspectives a process of the writing as a great way to communicate, represent nation and individually.

Blog #1

This article by Aaron and Joshi start back of early writing hieroglyphic period. Through a great stories, examples, observation in different times of our ancestors start our destiny. I found this story interesting because without the past time there is no future. The important part of the article is how the people invent the alphabet it didn't come by itself, it took a long time and still continuing for perfection.
I just couldn't imagine my life without written books, newspapers, magazines.